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Electrifying corporate fleet: Do’s & Dont's

 1h video – 20min presentation – 40 minutes Q&A - French subtitled in English

Pierre Marneffe, CEO of Mob Box (d'Ieteren) a consulting firm specializing in mobility strategy, answers the following questions: 

  • How electro-compatible are my employees?
  • For whom is an electric vehicle a viable solution? According to which criteria?
  • How much does a non-electric car cost for the company and for the employee? How would fleet electrification impact this cost?
  • Should we electrify the entire fleet at once or progressively? 
  • How many charging stations should be installed? When and where?
  • What should be included in a good "e-car policy"?

What we learned from the use case

A company with 550 company cars and 2000 employees has a current fleet cost of 5M€

No switch to EVs:

=> Fleet cost rises to 8M€ by 2030

Switch only electro-compatible employees to EVs:

=> Fleet cost rises to 6M€ by 2030

What we learned from the session:

  • The criteria to consider when defining your fleet electrification strategy:
      • TCO = total cost of ownership
      • CO2 emissions
      •  Electro compatibility
  • It is not realistic to switch 100% of employees to electric cars. Mobbox has a methodology to define for whom it is doable and for whom it is not. It’s called electro-compatibility. Electro-compatibility depends on:
    • Autonomy: can this person go to work and drive back without charging?
    • Home-work distance: Does this person need to do a lot of very long trips?
    • Easy charging possibilities?
    • Psychology: How open is the person to an EV?

These criteria will give a person high, medium, or low electro-compatibility.

  • Switching to EVs is more expensive.
    But not switching to EVs will be even more expensive. You will have to pay a CO2 contribution tax, and a corporate tax, which will grow with the years.
  • As of Jan 2024, companies will have to report on the CO2 emissions of home-work trips.
  • A person emits 8 to 9 tons of CO2 equivalent per year on average, from which mobility represents 2 tons, i.e. about 25%. Giec informs that we need to lower our emissions to 2 tons per person to reach an acceptable climate change.