Optimal parking size calculator

Solve your employees parking frustrations once and for all!

Calculate the parking size that will make your employees happy

Green mobility promotion and flexible work organisation are often forgotten when dealing with parking pressure. Instead of seeing parking, mobility, and office space management as separate challenges, combining them into a virtuous circle allows you to create an optimal work experience for your employees.

These are 4 efficient measures to limit the number of spots you need to make your employees happy:

  • Opening the parking to all employees
  • Reallocating empty dedicated spots
  • planning hybrid work to avoid peaks
  • directing employees towards transportation alternatives that make sense

Helping your employees organise their workday in a more efficient, flexible and environment-friendly way will reinforce their loyalty and enhance their well-being. On top of that, your company will make efficiency gains and commit to sustainability. A big win for employees, employers, and society alike.

Calculate your optimal parking size